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Wildlife Update - spotters corner.

Public·3 members

It has been very cold on the Weald Moors but some great skies! Lots of small birds around, flocks of Linnet, Goldfinch and small parties of Reed Bunting with a pair or two of Corn Bunting thrown in. I am alos finding small parties of Yellowhammers on the Edgmond end of the Weald Moors which is bird we don't often see in any number here. Flocks of Skylark continue to grow, now numbering in the 70s. Meadow Pipit numbers still good.

Redwings seemed to have reappeared in the gardens perhaps driven here by very harsh weather. Our blackcaps are still about, we had a maximum of 7 during January but I am beginning to think their numbers may have fallen. Maximum this week has been 4, two males and two females. Great Spotted Woodpecker and Nuthatch are still visiting the garden feeders regularly.

Because of the flooding sections of outlying fields have become waterlogged making them more attractive to Snipe and I have seen one or two lately.

Stonechat have traditionally over wintered on the Weald Moors. In winter, along the banks of the Strine, you can usually find a bird or two. They are nearly always in pairs in my experience however yesterday I saw a single male on the fence posts around the HAU horse pens.

Neil Nash
Neil Nash
10 Feb 2021

I use the same route around the moors and beginning to recognisebwhat areas have what birds,it would be interesting to know if the fluctuating numbers are a resident population doing a circuit or new birds coming in.


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