Highlights March 2024
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From our meeting 26th March.
Work at St Peters (See Image above)
EWG is continues to work with our local primary school, St Peters See the school newsletter above. We are currently investigating the possibility of preparing a small butterfly garden.
Click HERE for the report on our Project with St Peters Primary School written by our junior ambassador, Flores.
New Head at Edgmond Hall.
EWG has established contact with the new headteacher at Edgmond Hall (EH). David Townend. We have agreed that EWG and EH will continue to work together. EH have agreed to support our work on the Church Field. Dave is very keen on establishing a learning program that allows children to experience and reconnect with nature. There are many ways in which his plans for Edgmond Hall will overlap with EWGs' conservation and educational aims. If you have not seen the latest report about Himalayan Balsam control on the land belonging to EH and Harper Adams University then it can be found HERE
Parish Council Support.
Big thanks to the The Parish Council who have provided a grant to help EWG purchase the materials for a new bench for the Church Field
Village Fete
It was agreed that EWG will be present at the village fete this year. The committee felt this is a good opportunity to connect with both our members and other members of the community.
Edgmondwildife@gmail.com - We have made major changes to our IT Systems
We have made substantial changes to our systems for both managing membership and communicating with members. In particular we have moved our email to GMAIL. This has all been in response to a number of issues relating to sending email with attachments to our members. The changes now allow us to share our email system across members of the committee and deal more effectively with communication when members of the committee are away on holiday.
Welcome New Members
In response to some excellent suggestions from Joyce (a new Member) and Harriet/Flores (representing our younger members) we are taking a fresh look at a number or key issues.
We need to have more publicity in and around the village. A new A4 poster will be designed for this purpose.
New members will get a welcome pack that links them to our achievements, new events and projects, recent reports and newsletters, our website and social media.
Breakthrough!! EWG carries out its first projects with the local primary school.
After a year of extensive work by EWG on St Peters Wildlife area the group moved onto our next stage. Working with the headteacher, Claire Medhurst, and the reception class teacher Mrs Williams the group planned and delivered two projects to a group of 29 students in the reception class. The full report to follow HERE.
Jon Lloyd, the chairperson of EWG said the group had always intended to work closely with children. Our need to educate young children on conservation and wildlife issues has never been more urgent and we have always seen them as vital part of the community.
Our initial aims to engage with schools were thwarted by two unsettling years of Covid and the pandemic. Schools were under a lot of pressure! This was not the right time to introduce new ideas and projects.
We are making up for lost time now and our volunteers have been working hard to repair and improve the wildlife area at St Peters Primary School. We are now building a long term relationship with the school and will be supporting and delivering wildlife and conservation projects that enhance the curriculum during the coming year.
Girl Power - The team taking a well earnt rest after a busy moring in St Peters Primary School Wildlife area.
Project Summary. Title: NIGHT and DAY
Children explored and investigated the wildlife in their own wildlife area at school in order to discover which birds and animals were using these habitats. This was accomplished by using cameras that respond to movement. The cameras recorded night and day activity. In the second part of the project they set up a number of live, small mammal traps. After a successful night the traps were investigated and the voles and mice identified.
Church Field Report - increasing Biodiversity - click HERE
Church Field Autumn Action
The meadow has been cut twice, at the end of September and start of October. Some other test plots have been cut on the right and left of gated entrance from the High Street. These were seeded with wildflowers using the seed bombs prepared by St Peters School. The meadow now has 9 circular plots prepared by members to take 9 different species of meadow wildflower seed. The seed was over sown on the existing meadow to provide more colour and interest. Thanks to all members for your on going support and practical help. You have made this possible. Read the report if you want to find out more. Link above.
Girl Power!!!!
Here is today's team taking a well earned break after grappling with monstrous amounts of yellow flag choking the St Peters school pond. The group is engaged with trying to sort the children's wildlife area. Today we have also been cutting back to let light in. There is a long way to go yet! Watch out for next work party. Big thanks to all who took part, great progress has been made.