
Working Together
Join Us and get involved.
Edgmond Scouts and Edgmond Wildlife Group (EWG) joined HAU staff and students to plant a new hedge on the track leading down from Robin Lane. Over forty helpers planted 2500 trees. It was wonderful to see so many young people and their parents involved. This is not the first time that the Scouts and EWH have joined with HAU to improve our local landscape for people and wildlife. 😃👍 Hey, those bacon butties were great!
If YOU want to get involved then join EWG. Membership forms can be found here on our web site and on the FILES menu of Edgmond Wildlife Group Facebook page.
Sorry if we missed you on the photo but some people had left before we got round to taking it! 😢

Edgmond Wildlife Group - Success!
Thanks to all those intrepid volunteers who braved the freezing temperatures this morning to add trees and shrubs to the depleated hedge lines and corners of Edgmond playing field.

Hay Making - Success!
Planted in the autumn 2021 and harvested in August 2022
Well done to all those involved in our meadow project. It has taken several years to get this stage and a lot of hard work.
Our new power scythe was in need of a little fresh high octance petrol before it set off at a gentle pace to scythe its way through our 1000 sq meter meadow. A moment to enjoy!
Paula and I cut and raked on Friday and the following day a great team of enthusiastic helpers arrived to move the hay to a stack near the gate ready for Neil Furness to pick up.
Our job is nearly complete for this year! However we do feel that the germination of Yellow Rattle was a little weak! We also thought that the survival of Yorkshire Fog from the the previous field was little too strong!
With these thoughts in mind we will over sow with a good ration of Yellow Rattle in the Yorkshire Fog Areas to weaken its advance and this will give other species a chance.
We cant wait to see what happens next year when we expect other wild flowers to burst through.

Seventy Years and Seventy Trees
January 22nd and 23rd - 2022
What a fantastic weekend and a fitting tribute to a Queen, who this year, is celebrating her Platinum Jubilee. Thanks go to Harper Adams University and the volunteers from Edgmond Wildlife Group who turned out to plant 70 different fruit trees next to a public track on University Land. The volunteer group included representatives from those students from abroad who are currently studying at Harper.

Get Your
Hedgehog Highway Badge
We want to encourage people in Edgmond to create Hedgehog Highways. So, when you have linked your garden to a neighbours post a photo on here and we will send you our special Hedgehog Highway Badge to put by it Screw the badge to a fence panel or post and show other people in Edgmond we are working to conserve Hedgehogs. It might be a 13cm square hole in a fence, a gap cut in the bottom of a gate or even a tunnel under a concrete fence. We have a limited supply so get cracking.
Well done to the 5 households in Edgmond who have already received their badges.


EWG at the Edgmond Fete

The first fete in Edgmond for many years went really well. The EWG committee were on hand to welcome new members, help with wildlife ID and advise on conservation issues. Visiting children came to check out the pond life and small skull collection. We had a great day. The wonderful Edgmond Wildlife Map was created by Paula, it is so good we have used a photograph of it for web site background.
Girl Power!!!!
Here is today's team taking a well earned break after grappling with monstrous amounts of yellow flag choking the St Peters school pond. The group is engaged with trying to sort the children's wildlife area. Today we have also been cutting back to let light in. There is a long way to go yet! Watch out for next work party. Big thanks to all who took part, great progress has been made.

Seventy Years and Seventy Trees
January 22nd and 23rd - 2022
What a fantastic weekend and a fitting tribute to a Queen, who this year, is celebrating her Platinum Jubilee. Thanks go to Harper Adams University and the volunteers from Edgmond Wildlife Group who turned out to plant 70 different fruit trees next to a public track on University Land. The volunteer group included representatives from those students from abroad who are currently studying at Harper.

Get Your
Hedgehog Highway Badge
We want to encourage people in Edgmond to create Hedgehog Highways. So, when you have linked your garden to a neighbours post a photo on here and we will send you our special Hedgehog Highway Badge to put by it Screw the badge to a fence panel or post and show other people in Edgmond we are working to conserve Hedgehogs. It might be a 13cm square hole in a fence, a gap cut in the bottom of a gate or even a tunnel under a concrete fence. We have a limited supply so get cracking.
Well done to the 5 households in Edgmond who have already received their badges.
